Unraveling the Mystery: How to Know Function Call Came from Which Application in Angular Monorepo NX?
Image by Kaycee - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery: How to Know Function Call Came from Which Application in Angular Monorepo NX?

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Are you tired of wondering which application in your Angular monorepo NX is making that function call? Do you find yourself lost in a sea of code, trying to understand the flow of execution? Fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to embark on a journey to demystify this puzzle and arm you with the knowledge to pinpoint the source of that elusive function call.

Understanding the Angular Monorepo NX Architecture

Before we dive into the meat of the matter, it’s essential to have a solid grasp of the Angular monorepo NX architecture. In a monorepo, multiple applications and libraries coexist in a single repository, sharing resources and dependencies. NX, a powerful tool, helps manage this complexity by providing a robust framework for building and maintaining monorepos.

In an Angular monorepo NX, each application is essentially a separate entity, with its own set of components, services, and modules. Understanding how these applications interact with each other and their shared dependencies is vital to tracing function calls.

The Problem: Tracing Function Calls in a Monorepo

When a function is called from within an Angular application, it can be challenging to determine which application initiated the call. This is especially true in a monorepo, where multiple applications are intertwined. Without a clear understanding of the call stack, it’s difficult to:

  • Identify performance bottlenecks
  • Debug issues efficiently
  • Optimize code for better maintainability

Fortunately, there are techniques to help you pinpoint the source of function calls and uncover the mysteries of your Angular monorepo NX.

Technique 1: Using Console Logging

A simple yet effective approach is to employ console logging to track function calls. By adding console logs at strategic points in your code, you can create a trail of breadcrumbs that lead you to the source of the function call.

export function myFunction() {
  console.log('My Function called from:', new Error().stack);
  // Function implementation

In the above example, we’re using the new Error().stack trick to log the current call stack. This will provide valuable information about the sequence of function calls leading up to the execution of myFunction.

Pro Tip: Using a Custom Logger

Rather than using the built-in console log, consider creating a custom logger that can be configured to log information in a more organized and readable format. This will help you to:

  • Filter out unnecessary logs
  • Highlight important log messages
  • Log additional metadata (e.g., application name, timestamp)
import { Logger } from './logger';

export function myFunction() {
  Logger.log('My Function called from:', new Error().stack);
  // Function implementation

Technique 2: Leveraging Debuggers and Breakpoints

Debuggers and breakpoints are powerful tools in your arsenal for tracing function calls. By setting breakpoints at strategic points in your code, you can:

  • Pause execution and inspect the call stack
  • Step through code line by line to understand the flow of execution
  • Examine variable values and expressions

In Chrome DevTools, you can set breakpoints by clicking on the line number in the source code or by using the debugger keyword in your code.

export function myFunction() {
  // Function implementation

When the breakpoint is hit, the debugger will pause execution, allowing you to inspect the call stack, variables, and expressions.

Technique 3: Using Dependency Injection and Tokens

Dependency injection is a fundamental concept in Angular, and tokens can be used to provide contextual information about the application making a function call.

export class MyService {
  constructor(@Inject('APPLICATION_NAME') private applicationName: string) {}

  myFunction() {
    console.log('My Function called from:', this.applicationName);
    // Function implementation

In the above example, we’re injecting the application name as a token, which can be used to identify the source of the function call.

Pro Tip: Using a Centralized Token Registry

Rather than defining tokens for each application, consider creating a centralized token registry that maps tokens to their corresponding application names. This will simplify token management and make it easier to maintain a list of applications in your monorepo.

export const APP_TOKEN_REGISTRY = {
  app1: 'App 1',
  app2: 'App 2',
  // ...


Tracing function calls in an Angular monorepo NX can be a daunting task, but with the right techniques, you can unlock the secrets of your codebase. By combining console logging, debuggers, and dependency injection, you’ll be well-equipped to identify the source of function calls and optimize your code for better performance and maintainability.

Remember, a deep understanding of the Angular monorepo NX architecture and the techniques outlined in this article will help you to:

  • Streamline your debugging process
  • Improve code quality and readability
  • Enhance collaboration among team members

Now, go forth and conquer the mysteries of your Angular monorepo NX!

Technique Description Advantages Disadvantages
Console Logging Log function calls with contextual information Easy to implement, provides quick insights Can be noisy, difficult to filter logs
Debuggers and Breakpoints Pause execution and inspect the call stack Provides detailed insights, allows stepping through code Requires manual intervention, can be time-consuming
Dependency Injection and Tokens Use tokens to provide contextual information about the application Provides strong typing, easy to maintain Requires upfront setup, can be complex to implement

Frequently Asked Question

Ah-ha! You’re wondering how to track down the source of a function call in your Angular monorepo using Nx?

Q1: What’s the deal with Nx and function call tracing?

Nx, being a powerful tool for building and managing monorepos, provides a feature called ‘ Nx Console’ which allows you to debug and inspect your application. One way to track function calls is by using the built-in ‘call graph’ feature in Nx Console. This visual representation of function calls will give you a better understanding of where and when a function is being called.

Q2: Are there any other ways to identify the source of a function call?

Yes, another approach is to use the ‘stack trace’ provided by the browser’s DevTools. By setting a breakpoint in your code, you can inspect the call stack and identify the application that initiated the function call. You can also use console logging statements or a logging library like LogRocket to log information about the function call, including the caller.

Q3: How can I differentiate between function calls from different applications in a monorepo?

One way to do this is by using a unique identifier or token for each application in your monorepo. You can pass this identifier as an argument to the function or set it as a global variable. This will allow you to identify which application initiated the function call. Another approach is to use a logging library that supports source mapping, which can help you identify the source of the function call.

Q4: Can I use Angular’s built-in debugging tools to track function calls?

Yes, Angular provides a built-in debugging tool called ‘Angular DevTools’ which includes a ‘Component Tree’ tab that displays the component hierarchy. By selecting a component, you can view its properties, including the function calls. Additionally, you can use the ‘Profiler’ tab to record and analyze performance profiles, which can help you identify performance bottlenecks and function calls.

Q5: Are there any third-party libraries that can help with function call tracing?

Yes, there are several third-party libraries available that can help with function call tracing, such as Zone.js, which provides a way to wrap function calls and track their execution. Another option is to use a library like Augury, which provides a visual debugging tool for Angular applications. These libraries can help you gain deeper insights into your application’s behavior and identify the source of function calls.

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