Kentico 13 Page Builder: Getting Config Error Message? We’ve Got the Fix!
Image by Kaycee -

Kentico 13 Page Builder: Getting Config Error Message? We’ve Got the Fix!

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’re struggling with the dreaded “getting config error message” while using the Kentico 13 page builder. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the common causes of this error and provide step-by-step solutions to get you back to building stunning pages in no time.

What’s causing the config error message?

Before we dive into the fixes, let’s quickly understand what might be causing this error. The Kentico 13 page builder relies on a well-configured environment to function smoothly. Here are some common culprits:

  • Incorrectly set up Page Builder configuration
  • Missing or invalid Page Builder licenses
  • Incompatible Kentico version or hotfix
  • Corrupted or missing Page Builder files
  • Incorrectly configured dependencies

Step 1: Check Your Page Builder Configuration

The first step in resolving the config error message is to review your Page Builder configuration. Make sure you’ve correctly set up the following:

1.1 Page Builder Module

Verify that the Page Builder module is enabled in your Kentico instance:

        <add name="PageBuilder" />

1.2 Page Builder Configuration File

Double-check that the Page Builder configuration file (PageBuilder.config) is present in the correct location and contains the necessary settings:

        <add key="Enabled" value="true" />
        <add key="BaseUrl" value="~/PageBuilder" />

Step 2: Verify Your Page Builder Licenses

Ensure you have a valid Page Builder license and that it’s correctly set up:

2.1 Check Your License Status

Log in to your Kentico admin interface and navigate to Administration > Licensing > License Manager. Verify that your Page Builder license is active and not expired.

2.2 Enter Your License Key

If you’ve recently purchased a new license or renewed an existing one, make sure to enter the correct license key in the License Manager:

    <add key="PageBuilder" value="YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE" />

Step 3: Check Your Kentico Version and Hotfix

Ensure you’re running a compatible version of Kentico and have the latest hotfixes applied:

3.1 Check Your Kentico Version

Verify that you’re running Kentico 13 or later. You can check your version by navigating to Administration > System > Version.

3.2 Apply the Latest Hotfix

Visit the Kentico DevNet portal and apply the latest hotfix for your version. This will ensure you have the latest bug fixes and compatibility updates.

Step 4: Verify Page Builder Files and Dependencies

In some cases, corrupted or missing Page Builder files can cause the config error message. Let’s check for any issues:

4.1 Check Page Builder Files

Verify that the following files are present and not corrupted:

  • PageBuilder.dll
  • PageBuilder.config
  • PageBuilder.js
  • PageBuilder.css

4.2 Check Dependencies

Ensure that the required dependencies are correctly configured and installed:

  • ASP.NET Core 3.1 or later
  • Kentico 13 or later
  • JavaScript and CSS files for Page Builder

Additional Troubleshooting Steps

If the above steps don’t resolve the issue, try the following:

5.1 Check the Event Log

Review the Kentico event log for any errors or warnings related to the Page Builder:

    <add name="PageBuilder" />

5.2 Disable and Re-enable Page Builder

Try disabling and re-enabling the Page Builder module to reset any configuration issues:

        <remove name="PageBuilder" />


By following these step-by-step instructions, you should be able to resolve the config error message and get back to building stunning pages with the Kentico 13 page builder. Remember to regularly review your configuration, licenses, and dependencies to avoid any future issues.

Common Causes Solutions
Incorrectly set up Page Builder configuration Review and correct Page Builder configuration
Missing or invalid Page Builder licenses Verify and enter correct license key
Incompatible Kentico version or hotfix Check and apply the latest hotfix
Corrupted or missing Page Builder files Verify and repair Page Builder files
Incorrectly configured dependencies Check and configure dependencies correctly

We hope this article has helped you overcome the config error message and get back to building amazing pages with the Kentico 13 page builder. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to reach out to us!

Frequently Asked Questions

Kentico 13 page builder getting config error message? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you troubleshoot the issue.

What is causing the config error message in Kentico 13 page builder?

The config error message in Kentico 13 page builder can occur due to incorrect or outdated configuration settings, missing dependencies, or conflicts with other modules. Check your web.config file and ensure that all dependencies are properly registered and up-to-date.

How do I resolve the config error message in Kentico 13 page builder?

To resolve the config error message, try restarting your application, clearing browser cache, and checking the event log for any errors. If the issue persists, try re-registering the page builder module or reinstalling Kentico 13.

Can I customize the page builder configuration in Kentico 13?

Yes, you can customize the page builder configuration in Kentico 13 by modifying the web.config file or using the Kentico Configuration Manager. You can also create custom modules or extensions to extend the page builder functionality.

What are some common page builder config issues in Kentico 13?

Common page builder config issues in Kentico 13 include incorrect module registration, missing dependencies, and invalid configuration settings. Additionally, conflicts with other modules or custom code can also cause config issues.

Where can I find more resources to help me troubleshoot Kentico 13 page builder config issues?

You can find more resources to help you troubleshoot Kentico 13 page builder config issues on the official Kentico documentation, community forums, and developer blogs. Additionally, you can also contact Kentico support or a certified partner for personalized assistance.

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